Conversions | Saint Nora de Brühl

The Saint is finally flying. I found the time to paint her over the last weekend and I am pretty happy with the results. Eventhough I have to admit, that several things went wrong - but I took a lot of learnings and thats great. Especially when thinking about the upcoming Sororitas Knight Project, starting next week!

Codex | The Order of the Sacred Rose

The Order of the Sacred Rose is one of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas, or the Sisters of Battle, founded in honour of Saint Arabella by the Ecclesiarch Deacis VI in the middle of the 38th Millennium at the same time as the Order of the Bloody Rose was Founded. The Order is based on Terra in the Convent Prioris.

Codex | The Order of the Bloody Rose

The Order of the Bloody Rose is one of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas, or the Sisters of Battle, founded in honour of Saint Mina by the Ecclesiarch Deacis VI. Mina had been one of the five companions of Alicia Dominica, the founder and patron of the Adepta Sororitas, Mina was known as a dark and brooding sister, quick to anger and deadly in combat.

Codex | The Order of our Martyred Lady

The Order of Our Martyred Lady was founded in honour of Saint Katherine. Even amongst the devout warriors of the Sororitas, the Sisters of Our Martyred Lady have a reputation for incredible determination, inspired by their desire to avenge the deaths of their fallen. This inner fire drives them to destroy their enemies utterly, and those not consumed with cleansing flames are ruthlessly put to the sword.

Conversions | Seraphim, Imagifier & Hospitaller: Preview

Welcome to another conversion-entry! It's been quite a while since I last showed some progress, so I decided to give a little preview for my next conversions - Plastic Seraphim and Imagifier + Hospitaller. It took several weeks for some parts to arrive and now I realized, that my base-primer is empty ... so yeah, will take some more days to start painting what I'm showing today.

Lore | Battlegear of the Adepta Sororitas

Today we'll have a look at the most iconic pieces of wargear of the Adepta Sororitas. Some practical, others devotional, but all of them a firm part of the Sisterhood. From Power Armour to Boltgun Patterns and from artistic Tattoos to gigantic Chainswords.

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