Sisters of Battle – Beta Rules 2018

The time has come my friends. Chapter Approved 2018 is on its way and we already saw the first preview-videos of the upcoming Beta Codex for Sisters of Battle. I had a close look at it and today we will analyse the changes and see what it will bring to the table.

Notable Order Minoris

Today we'll have a look at some of the more important Order Minoris of the Adeptus Sororitas, checking on their background informations, important persons and notable conflicts. (And don't ask me how the title picture is related to this post ^^)

Legatine and Sororitas Knight – Updates

A week has past since I last shared some updates on my Sororitas Knight, and eventhough I'm far from finished, I wanted to give some new impressions. Luckily, there is another model I can also share with you guys, my converted Legatine!

Imperial Sororitas Knight – Planning ahead (Part I)

Tomorrow is the big day and I finally get my hands on an Imperial Knight. It's not that I want to start a new army, but I simply love the model. Its design, its weapons, its pure presence. And it is a brilliant model to convert or at least to add a lot of additional details. So I decided to add a Knight to my Sisters army.

Codex | Saint Nora de Brühl (New HQ)

Time for some new rules and teasers on my current project - Saint Nora de Brühl, eponym of my Sisters of Battle Order and living Saint of the Imperium of Men. Saint Nora is a true beacon of light on the battlefield and both a terrible foe in close combat and an inspiration for all sisters around her.

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